recently completed: discovery green northwest corner - 'pick up sticks' and playground

Gandy2 Lighting Design is proud to announce the completion of Discovery Green's Northwest Corner. This highly ambitious park project was a labor of love and many years in the making. G2LD was proud to spearhead the effort along with the team of landscape architects, clients, benefactors, and manufacturers.

View down the recently illuminated northwest corner entrance at Houston's Discovery Green

Founded in 2008, the 12-acre Discovery Green has become an integral part of a revitalized downtown Houston. At the same time, the development that has been attracted to the park area has shifted the way in which the park is used and approached over the years and the client desired to have the Northwest corner entrance re-imagined in order to better address the foot traffic now coming from that direction.

Intersecting lines of light from projectors highlight the pathway.

The new vision included a promenade of trees, connected by a playful catenary overhead, along with a revitalized neighboring playground. The Pick-Up Sticks catenary, which was designed to evoke memories of the favorite childhood game, consist of over 70 illuminated sticks suspended at different heights and angles from a highly-engineered catenary system, which visually melts into the flanking tree canopies. The entire custom-designed system spans approximately 125' long by 18' wide. Completing the immersive experience are projectors mounted to each catenary pole, which throw intersecting lines of light along the path.

The walkway is lit above by a playful catenary fixture just below the tree canopies.

Just beyond the Pick Up Sticks sits a state of the art playground, with the centerpiece of that lighting being 3 sculptural ‘tree’ area lights, in which the ‘branches’ glow to light the surrounds. The modern shapes of these trees reference the graphic lines of the nearby promenade. Pole lighting with multiple adjustable heads help fill in the playground with safe and even illumination from a minimal number of poles.

Sculptural 'tree' lights provide a modern look to the playground.

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